Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Easy Ways Of Skin Tag Removal

Growths on the body with or without a peduncle that look like a small piece of hanging skin are called tags. These tags can be wrinkled, smooth or even irregular. Their color can also be different. In some cases, it is of the same color as the body; in other cases, the color is a bit browner than the rest of the body. These growths can appear on different parts of the body. In the majority of cases, they appear in the area of neck, upper chest, under the breasts and armpits. Many medical experts claim that a skin tag can be created by rubbing and friction on the area.

The structure of these growths is simple. They have fat cells, nerve cells, a core of fibers and a covering. The main peculiarity of such growths is that they are small, but they may become of large size with time.

It means that some people are more prone to them than others. However, they often appear for unknown reasons. A great number of absolutely healthy people have these tags. It should be pointed out that there are some people who are more susceptible to them also. Among those are pregnant women, people having diabetes or problems with obesity.

Such growths are not dangerous, because they can't be cancerous or pose a risk of any other serious disease. Some people don't even notice that they have them. However, it doesn't mean that this problem should be ignored.  However, it is important for everyone having them to be checked by a doctor.

These growths do not cause symptoms, except for those cases when they are twisted or rubbed. If it happens they may show some redness. One may also feel discomfort or pain as a result of growth removal. It may occur when tags get snagged by clothes or accessories.

Since such tags have the most harmless nature, there is no need to remove them, unless for cosmetic reasons and if they appear on the face or neck. Today there are numerous medical procedures used for growths removal. Among the most widely-used methods, one can name burning, freezing and cutting.

The procedure of freezing in this case is called cryosurgery or cryotherapy. During this procedure, argon, liquid nitrogen or other cold substances are used. The risks are minimal, because cryotherapy is a very simple procedure. Those patients who have large tags are given anesthesia.

This method has many advantages. The best thing about this method is that it takes from 20 second to 3 minutes, depending on the size of the tag. The procedure stimulates the immune system. This freezing procedure kills only the cells of the growth, and the healthy cells remain uninjured.

Cauterizing or burning them off is not as widely used as freezing, but it is also quite simple. It is about burning with electric current. However, there is always a threat of burning the skin around the growths. Besides, it may leave scarring.

Some people prefer to choose the cutting method over any other. During this procedure, a skin tag is cut away from the skin. Cutting may also cause a scar. That is why it is not used when they are on the neck or face.

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